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PatientPartnersPatients Revisions

Hubbell, Harrison Taylor requested to merge hh_patients into master

Reviewers Requested

This is an open call for reviewers. Please provide any feedback by 3/25/2020.


Jill and I briefly discussed making some changes to the PatientPartnersPatients view to include patients with a resident as their current PCP. We believe that many of the filters currently used are not required, and were therefore removed in this merge. It was also decided that the filter on Epic.Person.Employee should be removed. The impact by RSO is included below (accurate as of 3/19/2020).

ReportGroupCD Current Logic Revised Logic # Added % Added
APP 80018 80026 8 0.01%
BWPO 150882 150927 45 0.03%
CDPHO 45128 45135 7 0.02%
CRMA 61776 61836 60 0.10%
HBR 52898 52898 0 0.00%
MGPO 269416 270811 1395 0.52%
MRPG 74142 74164 22 0.03%
NSHS 122023 122301 278 0.23%
NWPHO 123406 123406 0 0.00%
SBNRT 88347 89218 871 0.99%

Reference #18 (closed) for additional discussion.

Edited by Hubbell, Harrison Taylor

Merge request reports
