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file_present: Checking Standardized File Names

Schmitt, Billy requested to merge file_present_with_std_names into master

Created by: williamschmitt21

The current version of the file_present function requires knowing the entire file name if one wishes to check if a previous version of a file (i.e. named with the standardized file format, TXX-Description-MM_DD_YYYY-vX.X.X.ext) exists in the current working directory.

One could, in theory, do a partial match, but this breaks down if files with the same description, but different extensions, exist in the working directory.

The file_present function has been updated to include a new argument: std_name that, if true, matches the tag and description of the string argument to files in the working directory. This should offer a more robust approach for determining whether an (old version of a) file exists in the working directory.

Next steps:

  • Update calls to file_present throughout the package to take advantage of this feature (as there are several other functions where this computation is performed).

Merge request reports
