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Registry Removals View Module

Hubbell, Harrison Taylor requested to merge registry_removals into master

Reviewers Wanted

This is an open call for reviews of this new module. Please provide any feedback by 6/14/2019.


Add new view module to identify patients that have been manually removed from an Epic registry. These removals can be problematic if no end date is set, so we want to track them closely. We also want to identify any patterns in removals to see if HMM/Postpones could satisfy the user needs instead.

The view includes the following information:

  1. Link to patient data (PatientID)
  2. Name of registry impacted (RegistryNM)
  3. Time window of removal (RemovalStartDTS, RemovalEndDTS)
  4. Link to user/provider that activated the removal (UserID, ProviderID)
  5. Reason for removal (ReasonDSC)

Merge request reports
