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Add Inpatient LOS to Encounter Views

Hubbell, Harrison Taylor requested to merge hh_inpatient_los into master

Add field to ED/Inpatient encounter views which calculates the number of days an inpatient stay lasted (inpatient length of stay).

The calculation uses InpatientAdmitDTS as the start, and HospitalDischargeDTS as the end. The time delta is calculated in minutes and converted to days to provide the most accurate representation of time the patient spent in the hospital. The minute measure of time was chosen to reflect the highest level of accuracy available in the admission timestamp columns.

Review Requested:

  1. I am using InpatientAdmitDTS instead of HospitalAdmitDTS as the time window start to avoid counting time spent in the ED in the inpatient LOS stay calculation. Does anyone disagree with this methodology?

Merge request reports
